In the afternoon, we headed out. On the way Garance pointed out what is basically…I think where the Paris government meets? Like, the mayor? It's a little confusing for me, I kept trying to figure out what it was, and Garance was explaining it to me, but I'm too used to American government and it kept not clicking. But it's an important government building in Paris.
And then there's the Paris Museum of Modern Art. We didn't go in, but we stopped by to look at it. It's designed to look kind of industrial- Garance says that when it first went up, the mayor hated it, and people said it ruined the Paris beauty, but you know modern art.
This is just a French street I liked so.
We spent awhile at the mall- I got a spring sweater and not much else (budgeting that money (mostly for food)) but it was really fun to walk around in all of the stores! On the way out we stopped by this street with all this alternative or vintage stores. There was this one goth shop we went inside and it was really interesting. Everything there was like, over 80 euro, so it wasn't a cheap store, either.
And of course, Garance and I showing off our new dye jobs.
I have been taking the subway and the bus more in Paris than I have in Rome, I swear. (In Rome, I take the tram, mostly.) But Paris is more…actually strict about bus tickets. You buy them in packs of like fifteen for ten euros and they're good for I think two hours after first use? So you just slide one into the box on the bus before you sit down. I actually got one of mine checked by a cop (they scan them to make sure you actually paid) and I've never gotten checked in Rome. It's strange.