Monday, April 6, 2015

I fall head over heels for Assisi

I went on a school day trip to Assisi, Italy last weekend. The weather was beautiful, and I fell asleep the second the bus started moving.

I'm not exaggerating, Assisi is the most beautiful place I've seen in Italy. Hands down. It was just gorgeous in every way. It's possibly the most aesthetically pleasing place I've been in my life. I wanted to just sit there for hours and drink it all in.

This is going to be a very picture-heavy post because I was just so enchanted with Assisi. I'm not sorry.

We took a tour around Assisi first, which was pretty nice. We got to see the body and hair of Saint Claire, and several garments as well as the tomb of Saint Frances. Assisi LOVES Saint Frances. The town is basically built around him. There's almost practically no crime in Assisi, maybe because there are nuns EVERYWHERE.

For lunch we stopped at this little place and I got lasagna for the first time since I've been here. (Every time I'm in a restaurant I see lasagna and think about getting it, then I see something new I want to try, but this time I decided to go for it). I was not disappointed! It was delicious.

We went inside a church and it was really nice because- well, a lot of Catholic churches in Rome are very elaborate and flashy, and they're so awesome to look at. But the church I grew up with at home was a lot simpler. So this church in Assisi we found felt a lot more like home. It was nice.

Then- so, basically, Assisi is on a giant hill. Everything is uphill or downhill. Living there, your thighs must be so powerful. And at the top of this hill, there's a fortress. So we decided to head up there. The climb was not fun but eventually, sweating and panting, we made it to the top.

(Excuse the fence in the last photo)

After climbing, we were dead-set on some gelato, so we found this cute little place. I was feeling pretty bold and managed to order entirely in Italian. (I'm getting there!)

(Mango and raspberry- one of the best choices I have made yet)

We did a little touristy shopping (I got a rosary!) and sadly, had to go back on the bus. I love love love Assisi. Honestly, I'd like to live here. The only problem is it's very Catholic and I am very not, but…it's just so beautiful. So beautiful. I think it's one of my favorite places yet.