Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring break: Day 3: Ver-say what? (I'm so sorry I couldn't think of a pun with Versailles)

On Sunday, I kind of expected everything to be closed, because in Rome, home of everything Catholic always, places are only seem to be open on Sundays from around noon to four-ish, if they're open at all. However, France is not Italy, and we could go sightseeing on Sunday!

We went to the Palace of Versailles to kick things off. Versailles has a very rich heritage of a long line of kings and queens, but I know it mostly from a class I had to take on the French revolution, when peasants stormed the palace, came super close to killing the queen, and it was basically the starting note to a long and bloody reorganization of the government. Isn't history fun?

But for all the bloodshed, the palace was beautiful. (To be honest, I can see how the peasants would get mad. They're starving in the streets and can't even afford bread, while the royals are living in a gold-coated house. That seems a little unfair.)

They had these HUGE crazy beautiful gardens. Just amazing. Garance and I could have gotten lost there. We nearly did.

Also, we think because it's still technically winter, all the statues were covered up by tarps. Which is nice for protection, but they all looked so creepy.

And then we got crepes, because we were hungry and the day was sorta cold and miserable. So we got sugar crepes from a little street vendor! Oh man, for something simple it was so good.

Then we took a train back into Paris, where we met Capucine again for tea at Garance's place. I normally don't like tea, but I really enjoyed it here. Also, Capucine works in a bakery, and brought us homemade meringue cookies for tea- YUM.

Then Garance and I went to a movie theater downtown (they played movies in English, with French subtitles) and saw Kingsman. It was such a good movie. Really great. Garance and I were raving about it all the way back.

When we got home around one a.m., her parents were just finishing dinner (the French eat really late) and had saved us pieces of this cake- I can't remember the name now but this cake. My god, this cake. It was like angel hopes mixed with a ray of sunshine. It was perfection in buttercream and meringue. No cakes will ever measure up to this cake.

This cake has ruined all other cakes for me. Thank you, cake, you've ruined my life.