Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring break: Day 2: Make Your Own Style Whatever

Garance I devoted most of Saturday to exploring Paris. Or, rather, Garance showed me a bunch of famous sights in Paris while I trailed behind her and took a bunch of pictures of random French streets.

The Panthéon, where there are the remains of several notable French citizens.

Notre Dame!

Garance and I being cuties but also freezing

We also went to a mall with Garance's friend Capucine, and first of all, there's a store named after me.

And you know how sometimes American stores will have clothes with words in other languages on them that don't quite make sense? Well, France does the same thing with English words. They end up with things that nearly make sense but not quite. And it's hilarious.

We went out to meet some of her friends that night, before bed and we watched a little of a TV show she's been trying to show me. Tomorrow: Versailles!