Now that I'm back in Rome and the internet situation here has been worked out, I can finally make my posts about spring break! I'll be doing this day by day.
Now, I have a friend in France that I've been talking to online regularly for something like two years now? We met when she found something I'd written and really liked it, and I found something she'd drawn and really liked that. We skype, text, and snapchat mostly. When she found out that I was studying abroad in Europe, she suggested I come see her in France sometime. One thing led to another and I ended up staying with her and her parents in their apartment in Paris for spring break!
My flight didn't leave until nearly seven, but I left the apartment near three because Rome is infamous for not being reliable for public transportation. Sure enough, the train I was taking to the airport got delayed on the way there. But I still had a comfortable amount of time to figure out where I was going. This was the first time I've ever flown alone! Even when I came out here I met Kasey near the gate. But I managed not to get lost and got on my plane just fine.
It was a little nerve-wracking meeting Garance for the first time and she was wearing heels so I just remember her being taller than me the first time I met her. (She's actually my height- well, 0.5 inches taller) Then her parents both did that European double cheek-kiss thing that you see in movies? Now that's never happened to me in America or Italy, so I was kinda thinking it was an exaggeration. Nope. That's apparently a French thing. I was still sorta groggy from the plane and kinda confused and probably super typical American like "whaaaat is happening".
But anyway, they were all very nice, and by the time we got to their apartment, I was so tired that I was beginning to go cross-eyed, so Garance and I just went to bed and decided to rest up to hit the town the next day!