Apertivos are an Italian thing, based off the word aperitif, which is a drink taken before dinner to stimulate the appetite. I've read that it's mostly popular with younger people. Basically, you buy a drink (generally 6 to 10 euros) and they have out a sampler platter, and you can nibble to your heart's content. So you get a meal for the price of a drink and it's very casual, so you can come and go as you wish.
It's not a bad way to go out once classes are done. It usually gets pretty packed, and seating is sort of crammed in, which is probably why younger people tend to favor it more. I've been to two of them in the past two days with a group of friends.
The food at them varies. There's generally a lot of rice dishes and some sort of pasta (you shove it all on these little plates, but you can go back for more). At the first place, there were french fries, home made potato chips, sliced prosciutto, and potatoes that we were all dreaming about.
Yesterday was the start of our weekend, so after apertivo, we went to an AUR-sponsored party at a club(?) a little bit away. We got there waaay too early (we ate earlier than Europeans generally do, because we're Americans and we were starving) and the place was basically empty. We didn't feel like waiting around for people to get there, and we didn't want to pay for another apertivo, so we left. (The chicken nuggets were tempting, but I hear there's a really classy McDonalds around here if I get a craving.)
Then, even though it was drizzling a bit, we decided that night gelato was the best thing. And it was. My friend who lives in France said I had to try the fiordilatte flavor, which translates to "milk flower", so I had that. It wasn't something I'd normally try, but it was really good!
After that we came home and crashed. We're making plans for today, since we're actually not going anywhere (it was raining yesterday, not exactly sight seeing weather). We might go shop for some bedding, since our pillows here are flat as sheets, and I really want a blanket. Then it's wine/pasta night in the apartment!