Saturday, January 24, 2015

Arriving in Rome

(Edit: This post was drafted and delayed, since we had a problem with the Wi-fi in our apartment.)

This post will likely be short, since I’m super jet lagged and exhausted.

We arrived at Rome today- me and my roommates. There’s six of us. Three are from Central, three aren’t, but we all seem to get along just fine. The rooms are really nice. Lots of storage space. My room has a view of the balconies across the way, and it seems like everyone has a garden. It’s fun to see.

So we get to Rome, get settled in at our apartment (after being terrified of our driver) and after a few hours, we all decide to go on this Rome walk tour thing hosted by the university.

Well, the maps are impossible to read, and the streets in Rome aren’t like the streets in the US. The US is all squares and numbers- Roman streets hardly ever stay in a straight line for long, so it’s hard to say “well follow this street until here” because you’ve got to switch streets nine times.

So we get lost. Pretty darn lost.

It’s dark out, about five? We set out early, figuring we could find AUR by then. At some point we asked a florist if he could help us find out road. It quickly became obvious that he spoke very little English, and we spoke even less Italian, so we got some information from him through a combination of pointing, pantomime, and a few key nouns.

We stayed lost and finally decided to ask for help again. This time we asked a restaurant owner behind the counter. He didn’t speak English very well, but an employee did, and he helped us.

We finally find the campus, after an hour-and-a-half of walking. At that point we have a half hour left before the walk, and we’d been planning to get some food before we got lost. So we quickly nipped down to a nearby fast-style pizza place, and I had my first Italian pizza! It was two squares of pizza, pressed into each other like sandwich bread and wrapped in paper so it could be eaten on the go.

I didn’t see any familiar pizzas, so I pointed to something that looked good and said that one, per favore. I still don’t know what it was, but it had ham and different cheeses and lettuce, I think? It was really delicious, whatever it was. And it was only about €2,50 and a filling meal so I see why it does so well with the students.

We finished our pizzas and went for the walk, which was a sightseeing/history tour through Rome. It was so bizarre, seeing this modern stuff, and then ruins or old-style towns tucked in the back like a hidden pocket. Or seeing modern, trendy shops right across the street from ancient ruins. We even saw the coliseum!

And now I’m home. We wanted to get some food for breakfast but we’re all still completely drained from the time adjustment, lack of sleep, and walking all day. My feet are killing me.