Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pepperocini- no, autocorrect, I don't mean pepperoni

Let's talk about pepperocini.

Even as I write this my computer automatically changes it to "pepperoni". No, autocorrect. I don't want to say "pepperoni". I want to say PEPPEROCINI.

So. Pepperocini. What is it? Google says it's the Italian term for a hot pepper. Eh. In Rome, it means peppers in general. At least on pizzas. Like, banana pepper, green pepper, red pepper.

On our last week in Rome, my curiosity piqued, I ordered a pizza peperrocini.

Now, this is something American tourists in Italy get warned about a lot. Pepperoni isn't really a thing here. If you want something similar, you order salami, or a variety of some "hot sausage" kind.

Now, I like bell peppers. So I ordered this and it wasn't bad! If you like bell peppers, you'd like it. As mentioned, Roman pizzas are meant to be enjoyed one per person, so you aren't meant to slice it up and share it. That's why the peppers are distributed so randomly, because you're going to eat it all.

I haven't had a bad pizza in Rome yet, and this still adds to the total. It was magnificent. I think I could order a garbage pizza and Rome would make it taste good.